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Dolphin View Cottage, Ardersier

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Turnstones – Anenaria interpres

Added on 02 October 2021

Turnstones – Anenaria interpres

Turnstones are present in the Highlands all year numbers are boosted by birds from Northern Europe passing through in July and August and again in spring. Canadian and Greenland birds arrive in August and September and remain until April and May. Turnstones are smaller than a redshank and have a mottled appearance with brown or chestnut and black upperparts and brown and white or black and white head pattern, whilst their underparts are white and legs orange. They spend most of their time creeping and fluttering over rocks, picking out insects, crustaceans and molluscs from under stones. This one was photographed at Nairn river but they are frequently to be seen on the inner Moray Firth coastline.Scottish birds. Turnstones – Anenaria interpres

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